Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The team 2012

list of names from the middle to the left and back across the bottom row then over at the top. you got al jak, bob jak, chuck jak, dug jak, ed jak, fred jak, grin jak, horatio jak, indyian jak, joko jak, killer jak, longdik jak, man jak, norbert jak, open jak, pentalope jak, quin jak, rammy jak, sloppy jak, timmy jak, utirus jak, val jak, wang jak, x jak, yuck jak, and zeeeeee jak. now i know my abc's next time won't you sing with me.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

carlos in the summer of 69

Free love and as you can see the festival had a few hot girls... but don't take the brown acid.

a trip down to the basement

You never back talk your mother!

eye skate decor

Hallmark rejected this Christmas decoration idea due to the fact that it seemed to look just like the skateboarding clitoris decorations they released last year.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Vintage colors set record price for collectors.

This must be a set of early 1880's colors worn by some cross breeding whiskey traders.

Friday, December 13, 2013

eye head

Last week, the world met Fish JaK: a 33-year-old songwriter who has had five surgeries and spent over $100000 to look like Justin Bieber.

christmas cake

Honestly, who wants to eat GROSS, hard, crumbly, sugary and just plain NASTY gingerbread houses?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Saturday, November 30, 2013

HAND DINK frontside air

These rare colors are the work of no other than HAND DINK... here's an explanation of this mans technique open Hand Dink is to use your finger tip or front end (soft side) of your fingers to tip/dink the skateboard over the coping, in contrary to knuckle dink, which would not be so accurate and would not place the skateboard as close to the coping blocks.  Not to be confused with DINK EYE.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Jamie Jak canaduh editition of Jamie Jak

THE REAL McKENZIES are not just a band and Jamie Jak isn't in this band anymore  an award-winning singer, songwriter, recording artist and entertainer, Jamie is a sex gender-blending artist with a wide span of music in his repretoire: Rockabilly, Blues and Country with elements of Jazz and Pop.
 You'll hear classic "oldies" and great original songs, all in the unique and energetic style of this performer who's been entertaining big audiences in Japan, Canada, Europe, and all over the US for over 20 years!
This toothless, powerful performer puts on a show that is perfect for every age group!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

jaks skirt

these were the limited edition skirts produced for the 1994 reunion. I have really weird hips and I would love to wear tight skirts but I just can't pull it off with these hips, is there any sort of product that may help me without enhancing my butt too  I am about 115pounds.

victoria 1994 t-shirt

oddly enough this was on the street i live on. The party was at Murray Actons house right next to my house. I was over drinking and sitting in the kiddy pool (it was empty but not skateable) when the police showed up in riot format. I jumped the fence and sat and watched them load up screaming men into the riot van. The police officer came up to me and said i better go home. I looked at him and said I am home, this is my property. He left me alone because i was over 300 lbs at that time and.... well, i was just too much man for the cop to take on. I really don't understand why my wife phoned the cops that night. I think she just wanted me to come home. I was told Gilligan and Ratty got into some trouble at their rental also, but no police report can be located.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Carmen EDM 13

EDM 13... yessss. Although similar groups have been found around the world, EDM 13 generally refers to the small class of JaK peoples who could be found preforming inhuman feats on the battlefield. When in combat a EDM 13 would fight nude and/or completely unarmored, sometimes taking the skins of bears, wolves or other beasts to heighten his appearance. Uncontrollable rage is the signature of the EDM 13. To enter this rage many would have pre-battle ceremonies in which they would consume alcohol, and work themselves up into a violent, bloodlusting mood through dance and similar actions, and then often take psychoactive drugs to make them, in combination with the mighty rage, immune to pain and personal hurt. As a result, these fierce JaKs would not back down when injured or against overwhelming odds, and be completely numb to pain.

legends of the team.

The stories are endless... he's a charmer and sometimes he's evil. An original punk rocker. But don't let this blog toot his horn. Check him out at http://www.simonsnotface.com/

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

china creek 2010 T

Skull Skates prints t-shirts just about every year for the comp.This was one of my favorites and with the right hairdo.... well read what Monk says ....

"So I went into the studio knowing I wanted a perm and had them done before with poor results. What can I say, I am an optimist! Tina told me straight up that I had thick hair, that it pulls down curls and makes them hard to stick and that she would try her hardest to get some fabulous curls for me...and DID she deliver! She somehow managed to give me sexy beach hair and beautiful spirals all while making it look totally natural! It took 3 of the longest hours of my life, and cost a pretty penny, but it was totally worth it."

Sunday, November 3, 2013

rare 1929 JaKs shat glass on e-bay

rare 1929 JaKs drinking shot glass. At 10.6 times the size of your average shot glass, this 16oz monster let's everyone know that you're the best drinker in the bar. And that you have a serious, serious alcohol problem.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

vintage face recognition

 A lost history that is hard to pin point. There are some original photos floating around and this one is of coarse by the punk extraordinaire artist Edward Colver. These are the original LA JaKs from 1956. Their vest colors can be viewed on page 568 of Bryan Ray Turcotte's book Dead is Punk Everything is Raw Material from a Martyred Music Movement first edition 2007... but in the book it says :   All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher or author. I have tried to phone the above names in my local phone book for permission but they must be people from another city.

kent brockman

What started out as a traditional barbque riot has quickly escalated into a city-wide orgy.

eye head

sons of hours, how many have come through the doors and crawled out on all fours. eye see.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


lay down your soul for that Gods Rock-n-Roll. Longtime JaK Bukweet.

Monday, October 28, 2013

mad carver & jamer by ricky

you know.... i would travel to the mainland and skate the parks. the one dude who seemed to always be skating when I was there was Mad Carver. He treated me like a brother the first time we met. he was just one of the best guys around. I went to Vancouver for Mad Cravers memorial service with Jamer. so this story ends with.... i would travel to skate the parks. the one dude who seemed to always be skating when I was there was Jamer. He treated me like a brother the first time we met. he was just one of the best guys around.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

some old graf history and more

So our musical interlude takes us to the curves of sexy Seylynn skate park in North Van. Where some of you might remember during one of their early skatecomps this event took place close by:
A massive riot broke out over the weekend at a skate park in Canada, 18 out 20 structures on the property were destroyed and it took over 150 officers to regain control of the approximately 200-bed province owned, privately operated mental health and addiction treatment drug rehab alcohol rehab center. Many hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage was done and, incredibly, there were no JaKs Team anywhere on the facility. That fact alone exposes the absolute music disgrace.

Friday, October 4, 2013

over the light not into the light.

thars only a few Tejas pirates and they both missed the tile here. If they ever come to the coast again i will fight them. They are rad skaters but every year i prep myself to go a few rounds with these guys but they never show because they are wimps. Hopefully this will inspire them to come skate with us soon. SIX SIDE becons them. love -blind marc 
 Update... so Blind Marc didn't write this some jealous clown did. Texas JaKs aren't wimps and i know they would dominate us in all the pools. and Six Side still becons them. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Brutal Metalhead

 Metallers like to proudly display the scars of their moshpit misadventures – so ripped, torn, patched, faded, and gourged vests is a must. If someone asks you how your vest got destroyed, you must launch into a story of an epic battle for the barrier of a Rianna gig, or a dramatic retelling of the time Madonna kicked you in the head.

Friday, August 30, 2013

sealand Matey

Latest Team Member JaK Sparrow will be coming from the dirtiest seaside port to wash his balls in Gilligans sink. and Phillup McKracken ahoy.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

edmonton is in the house.

uhhh o.k.Kris Jak is a team member from Edmonton.... Year in style on Alberta Ave. Celebrate winter at one of Edmonton's coolest festivals. Ice and snow carving, skating, curling, cultural foods,.

how far north

 Ripper Bones hasn't shared anything on this page with you

Thursday, August 15, 2013

music man

For those who don't know the origin of the music man welcome to the club.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

China Creek 13

I remember Slamo City Jamo used to say they where the longest running skateboard competition. All that high fallootin fancy stuff and pro skateboarding...... little did they know the China Creek competition put on by no other than JaKs Teamooooo has been going since 1965! And where the fuck is Slam City Jam now!!! You know where to be, Rain or Shine you will have a slammin good time in the Mighty Fine Town Oh, Town Oh, Town Oh,..... 

Monday, August 12, 2013

pat brown

basically if you want to get on the team and you get this guy to sign your partition you really don't need anymore signatures. Pat Brown is one of the raddest skaters around. When all others cripple and limp and can no longer get it up, Pat Brown will drop in and blow your mind with flow and air time that will hurt your neck. He is also the singer for the JaK-Offs who are taking the skate rock world by the bong and making you inhale a charge that will pull your dink right off! Roll him a spliff and hand him your partition for JaKs Team today!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

wes tat or ta ta

 Some people may have a serious reaction to certain types of tattoos, so it's important to leave the tattoo parlor with a list of people you should not show your tattoo to. I once saw my friend show his Dad his new tattoo and then he was held down by his dad and a wire brush was used to remove it. Another friend showed his Mom his new tattoo and his mom proceeded to use her lit Cuban Cigar to burn the tattoo off. One guy showed his wife his new neck tattoo and then his wife cut his fuckin neck off. Lets just say the above picture of Wes Texas's new dink tattoo is rad but i really don't think he should show it to his wife or his dad or his mom.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Bopo & Kwakwaka'wakw

At a recent gathering of the Team, a Bopo argued that the first nation people did not actually eat young men arse. The term "cannibals" is an exaggerated reference ... and the Kwakwaka'wakw (or Kwakiutl) did not actually bite arse. Ray being a close bloodline to the first nations people in fact did have some recipes his great great grandfather had left..... In his words : Boy arse is rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, so try this great recipe and eat up!
Use heavy aluminum foil cut into large squares. Place equal portions of the arse fillets on each piece of foil.
In a saucepan, melt butter. Add lemon juice, parsley, salt and pepper.
Stir to blend well. Pour this mixture over the arse, sprinkle with paprika and top with onion slices.
Fold the foil around the arse and add a seal.
Grill for 5 to 7 minutes per side. Arse should flake easily when done.

Monday, July 8, 2013

NICK $#@% 43

Lets face it the colors keep gettin radical... Rock-n-Roll 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

reunion 2013

here we go again. for a few v.i.13 the plan is to take the coho. rent a car in Port Angeles we were going to have a full rental car but new member Ron JaK Hadley has bailed on us due to family matters... Family first, then the team. This is all good because now there will be more room in the rental car for Coen JaK to spread his legs for Matlock.  My co-pilot will be Andy Jak who flew in from Quebec and is the King of the England division of JaKs teaM. Oi Oi Oi
 I'll try to write a review upon my return... wish me luck.

 As we drove down a dark street... the booze consuming body beside me in the passenger seat said " I think I just died and gone to Portland"
 What, where when and why ..... it was the usual drive around town and look for clowns... fortunately they were just across the street. The hotel pool was covered with wood! A deck was built over it and i was wondering if it was empty under the heavy deck on top of it. Damn.The band the JaK Offs played to a mass crowd. the dancfloor was a sea of vests and folks standing with their jaws dropped. From the corner of the room i see a fight break out and realize it's Tommy B from Motley Crue and he has manipulated a Mcgiver over his head. Tommy then plows through the crowd and crashes onto the stage past the singer Pat Brown. McGiver is thrown crashing down over the drums and his body bumps the huge speaker cabinet of the guitar player "she is a beautiful guitar player"..... The head of the amplifier fall and knocks the hat off McGiver and KO's him.... I recon its time for a ambulancem but McGiver shakes a smile, gets up and goes out into the street to take a piss. 

Sunday, June 30, 2013

slutty on top

Prior to 1985, I had to beg a ski area owner to let me on their precious chairlifts. The same guy that kicked me off the hill years ago now begs me to leave.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

play jak of hearts

Before you perform the trick, place the four jaks on top of the deck and then place three other people on top of the jaks. Make sure that the jaks are fanned so they can be seen by spectators. The other three people on top are ridden by the jaks, and then smell the finger.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Maxx JaK

Previous youth subcultures influenced various aspects of the JaKs TeaM. The JaK movement rejected the remnants of the disco counterculture of the 1970's.

shanks knife edge colors

The Shanks colors are not only contemporary in style but durable in construction. Built for any knife edge level of vest, and best of all they can be used on most terrains. Style, quality and ease....wear with confidence and enjoy!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

charles's bright new back slapper

Jymi used the finest paint it covers without impairing the JaK's acoustic qualities. It can be applied with a roller, but a paint sprayer is more efficient and less likely to affect the sound-deadening properties of Charlie. These new colors will be able to resist many Roman Candles......

Monday, June 10, 2013

robin hood

Crazy Betty. Old Betty read the cards for ye when you was a boy, and they said you'd either die a young man or live forever. Robin

Monday, June 3, 2013


The movie then takes a break from all the sik skate history to show you some early bathing suit shots. This chapter closes with a Hollywood chase scene on skateboards between a hunky skater and a mob called the Daggers and of coarse it ends with the good guy getting away…. Fukin Hollywood eh! Then it was time to focus on some of the Skull talent that works the skateboards… Carlos Longo was undoubtedly one of the top skaters in Canada in the mid eighties and this is proven with a fully flowing run of lofty airs and torqued inverts down at the old Seylynn snake run in north Vancouver.

Monday, May 27, 2013

China Creek 1967 contest

What you may not know, however, is that the skate spot and playground are actually located on a piece of land that has extensive septic heritage. China Creek North (the park by VCC with the big hill) and China Creek South (skate park) are named after what used to be the largest garbage landfill basin in Vancouver. The China Creek system included nine waterways that drained into the area resulting in severe sinus infection and syphilis, prior to the back-fill of False Creek, it flooded the entire area from Terminal Avenue up to Clark Drive.

Fakies grinding type selling CD

According to court documents, the investigation launched in 2007 netted 40000 items -- from counterfeit CDs fakie designer handbags, fakie sunglasses and fakie luxury items.