Monday, October 27, 2014

facial recognition #2

i don't recognize these two guys but i'm sure they are in the JaKs thing.

Friday, October 24, 2014

facial recognition

about the author: Everything you read on this blog is written by this man. He has done painstaking research to find the facts.  


zeke retires moldy colors. even though wes says they are finally broken in... stinky mank says these is MOLD SCHOOL.

vob r


tattoo says:

bat flack

bat flack..... JaKs Team Rider. i think so anyway

Saturday, October 18, 2014

jaks 2014

i got in shit last time i posted a image by this artist. copyright infringement. don't tell him....

mike ness

sons of anarcy up

with over 30 years of anarchy under his belt Mike chose a stripped down vest for the latest in winter fashion. braving the far north and spreading the name of....... ahh he's just a punk. that's all.

Thursday, October 2, 2014