Sunday, June 30, 2013

slutty on top

Prior to 1985, I had to beg a ski area owner to let me on their precious chairlifts. The same guy that kicked me off the hill years ago now begs me to leave.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

play jak of hearts

Before you perform the trick, place the four jaks on top of the deck and then place three other people on top of the jaks. Make sure that the jaks are fanned so they can be seen by spectators. The other three people on top are ridden by the jaks, and then smell the finger.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Maxx JaK

Previous youth subcultures influenced various aspects of the JaKs TeaM. The JaK movement rejected the remnants of the disco counterculture of the 1970's.

shanks knife edge colors

The Shanks colors are not only contemporary in style but durable in construction. Built for any knife edge level of vest, and best of all they can be used on most terrains. Style, quality and ease....wear with confidence and enjoy!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

charles's bright new back slapper

Jymi used the finest paint it covers without impairing the JaK's acoustic qualities. It can be applied with a roller, but a paint sprayer is more efficient and less likely to affect the sound-deadening properties of Charlie. These new colors will be able to resist many Roman Candles......

Monday, June 10, 2013

robin hood

Crazy Betty. Old Betty read the cards for ye when you was a boy, and they said you'd either die a young man or live forever. Robin

Monday, June 3, 2013


The movie then takes a break from all the sik skate history to show you some early bathing suit shots. This chapter closes with a Hollywood chase scene on skateboards between a hunky skater and a mob called the Daggers and of coarse it ends with the good guy getting away…. Fukin Hollywood eh! Then it was time to focus on some of the Skull talent that works the skateboards… Carlos Longo was undoubtedly one of the top skaters in Canada in the mid eighties and this is proven with a fully flowing run of lofty airs and torqued inverts down at the old Seylynn snake run in north Vancouver.