Monday, May 27, 2013

China Creek 1967 contest

What you may not know, however, is that the skate spot and playground are actually located on a piece of land that has extensive septic heritage. China Creek North (the park by VCC with the big hill) and China Creek South (skate park) are named after what used to be the largest garbage landfill basin in Vancouver. The China Creek system included nine waterways that drained into the area resulting in severe sinus infection and syphilis, prior to the back-fill of False Creek, it flooded the entire area from Terminal Avenue up to Clark Drive.

Fakies grinding type selling CD

According to court documents, the investigation launched in 2007 netted 40000 items -- from counterfeit CDs fakie designer handbags, fakie sunglasses and fakie luxury items.

more casual fine arte

Ray Jak says I love Doritos!

Saturday, May 25, 2013


So... the super group the Pandoras found themselves in the Dayglos room where they partook in a mattress test that proved the two groups beer pee could not fully be absorbed. Please note that Ferris Jak in the back of the photo had no pants on when the picture was taken.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

zeke and

Zeke JaK is a long time member who is in some fabricating art type job that includes fire. I believe the Kings crown music man colours are that of a one Timmy JaK. These two colours where developed by a modern artist who chose good and evil.... an art in which the traditions of the past have been thrown aside in a spiritual method of exterinatation.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


During the China Creek annual skate contest they had two burning stacks of beer cases (empty of coarse) the burning beer cases were placed at the end of the bowl so the skateboarders could air over the fire. It was a tribute to the sad loss of the many lives during 9/11....  the contest was held on the ninth month on the 11th day that year. Donut JaK was playing a flute while unknown to him, the guy standing beside him was an FBI agent ready to cover up any possibility that it was an inside job.

Trezzzz JaK

From the mighty land of Surrey come Trez JaK who when is not eroded to lower heights, there is then a marine layer of the sands of the Hythe Beds topped by chert seen on today's remaining terrain. Surrey's inland position shielded it from coastal raiding, so that it was not normally troubled except by the largest and most ambitious Scandinavian armies. Trez JaK now lives somewhere in the western communities of Victoria.  

scotty and hobbit

Two historic colours drawn by the late great Hobbit. Judging by the cassette and the copy of Watchtower being sat on in this photo I would estimate this as a late eighties case..... Over the course of several nights, Scotty and Hobbit had reportedly been digging a tunnel from a bathroom to a museum’s gold collection.